Routing Number | 255077370

Financial Wellness

Tower Happenings—December 2023

Protect Your Accounts—Check Out Our New Fraud & Security Center

Americans lost nearly $9 billion to identity theft and fraud in 2022 alone. The general public believes that scams are easy to spot as the fraudsters usually employ giveaway clues such as typos, poor grammar, or shady behavior on the phone. However, scammers are constantly finding new tactics—everything from impersonating official phone numbers, email addresses, and websites of legitimate organizations, to scam texts that appear in the same conversation thread as genuine messages.

At Tower, your security is our top priority. We provide many ways to help you protect your accounts from the latest tactics. Many of the helpful tools to keep your account secure are available through our new Fraud & Security web page.

When you scroll through the new page, you'll see:

  • Active Scams and Threats
    Criminals are quick to exploit current events and add new twists to well-known ruses. See resolutions to the latest security and phishing scams.
  • Security Strategies
    View controls to use and things you can do to keep your information private. You'll be better equipped to avoid fraudsters' tricks and be able to recognize and avoid the scams. 
  • Take Action—Recovery
    If you're worried that scammers have your personal or financial information, you need to act quickly. Go here for quick resources to take immediate action. Learn how to report a potential security vulnerability.
  • Security Resources
    Learn details about the threats. This section provides you with videos, tips, how-to recommendations, and helpful links to fraud awareness content that is always up-to-date.

Nearly half of adult internet users have personally been drawn into engaging in an online scam or fraud, while four in 10 knew someone who had fallen victim. Do not assume that a fraud can be easily spotted. Arm yourself with the information that will protect your personal information and accounts.


Tori's Job Is Expanding

Tori, Tower's Virtual Assistant launched on our website and in our App last month. Members love chatting with Tori online, and getting personalized service anytime, anywhere without waiting.

Now, Tori can also help you when you call. Coming soon, she's joining our Member Service Center team and taking on the role of voice assistant—giving you one more way to manage your finances around the clock.

Next time you call, don't wait! Just ask Tori for help.

  • Ask questions about your account information.
  • Say what account transactions to perform.

Interact with Tori using your voice. Or continue to use touchtone keypad. You'll get personalized and friendly service just like chatting or talking with one of our representatives.

To see more of what Tori can do for you, click here.