Routing Number | 255077370

Financial Wellness

Say Hello to Tori!

Can't make it to the branch or need quick help with an account? Meet Tori—Tower's new virtual assistant, designed to help you with your financial needs and questions. Tori gets you the answers you're looking for quickly, while giving our team members more time to handle complex questions.

  • Tori provides instant information
    Tori is a chatbot that gives you yet another way to get what you need, quickly. Get answers to frequently asked questions. Tori can engage you in a wide range of topics, simple and complex.
  • Tori never sleeps
    Tori is available anytime, anywhere at, in digital banking and in our App. Tori will respond with answers, ask you for more information, or help you complete your request. 
  • Tori learns from conversations
    Tori takes in all of your information as well as from other Tower members. A dedicated Tower team is continually working to expand the capabilities offered.
  • Can Tori connect me with a live Tower team member?
    Of course! Tori can start a secure live chat with a Tower representative during normal business hours.

What kinds of things can I ask Tori?

Tori can handle questions like 'Where can I find my account number?', 'What is Tower's routing number?', 'Where are Tower's branches?' and much more. Tori can also provide quick links to save you time. Tori is always learning and getting smarter every day.

Start now

Just ask Tori a question—click the icon to see what Tori can do! It's a simple way to get what you need:

  • On our website or when using digital banking (in the bottom right corner)
  • When using our App (in the top navigation bar under the More Menu)

Don't have our app? It's available for Apple and Android devices. Download it from the App Store or Google Play.